In studying the lives of successful people, Ray Dalio was struck by how Apple founder Steve Jobs embodied the qualities of a "shaper" - someone who can go from envisioning remarkable things to actually building them, often in the face of intense skepticism.
Reflecting on Jobs, Dalio notes: "Steve Jobs was probably the greatest and most iconic shaper of our time, as measured by the size and success of his shaping. Jobs built the world's largest and most successful company by revolutionizing computing, music, communications, animation, and photography with beautifully designed products."
But being a shaper is not all glamorous - it involves the taste for constant battle against skeptics and the ability to withstand failure. Dalio points out how a shaper like Jobs could never have achieved what he did without also developing.
Section: 1, Chapter: 6
In Chapters 1-8, Ray Dalio shares his life story and the key experiences that shaped the principles he lives by. As a kid, he started investing and trading at age 12. He founded Bridgewater Associates out of his apartment in 1975. Bridgewater became the largest hedge fund in the world, but the journey was not smooth. Dalio made big mistakes and learned hard lessons, like in 1982 when he nearly went broke after being overly confident in his views. This taught him the importance of being radically open-minded, stress-testing his opinions, and systemizing decision-making. Through his successes, failures and personal challenges, he developed a set of principles for life, work and investing that he credits for his effectiveness.
Section: 1, Chapter: 1
Books about Biography
Personal Development
Personal Development
Principles Book Summary
Ray Dalio
In Principles, Ray Dalio shares the unconventional principles he developed, refined, and used during his 40-year career to create unique results in both life and business - and which any person or organization can adopt to help achieve their goals.

Lean In Book Summary
Sheryl Sandberg
In Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg examines the barriers women face in achieving leadership roles and offers compelling, research-based advice on what women can do to overcome these obstacles and achieve their full potential in both their professional and personal lives.