Best Books About Religion

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The Buddha didn't teach Buddhism as a faith-based religion, but rather as empirical instructions: If you do X, you will experience Y. Buddhism contains practices anyone can do, without accepting any unjustified beliefs, to experience insights into the nature of one's own mind. The purpose is to cut through the illusion of the self.

Section: 1, Chapter: 1

The Church of Scientology's Celebrity Centre in Hollywood serves as a magnet for aspiring actors, writers, and artists hoping to make it big in the entertainment industry. With its grand façade and promises of personal and professional success, the Centre draws in wide-eyed newcomers to Los Angeles, offering them a sense of community and purpose in a cutthroat business. However, beneath the glamorous veneer lies a carefully crafted recruitment strategy, where potential members are love-bombed with flattery and subjected to a barrage of personality tests, auditing sessions, and high-pressure sales tactics to keep them in the fold and paying for more.

Section: 3, Chapter: 1

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