The 10X Rule Book Summary
The Only Difference Between Success and Failure
Book by Grant Cardone
The 10X Rule is the key to achieving extraordinary success by setting massive goals and taking even more massive action, declaring success your duty, responsibility and obligation, and adopting the mindsets and habits of the world's most successful people.
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The 10X Rule - Set 10X Goals And Take 10X Actions For Extraordinary Success
The 10X Rule is a concept that says you should set targets 10 times higher than you originally thought and then take 10 times more action than you think is necessary to achieve those targets. Most people drastically underestimate the effort required for success. The 10X Rule removes luck and chance from the equation - massive success comes from massive thought and massive action.
Section: 1, Chapter: 1
Why The 10X Rule Is Essential For Achieving Your Full Potential
Don't reduce targets when you fall short. Instead, increase actions. Success demands consistent, persistent massive amounts of action over time.
Never retreat in the face of challenges; expand and push forward with even more action. The right actions done consistently over time will overcome any adversity or resistance. If you're not creating new problems, you're not taking enough action. New problems are a sign you're making progress.
Section: 1, Chapter: 2
Success Is Critical For Survival
"Success is not something that happens to you; it's something that happens because of you and because of the actions you take. Success is your duty, obligation, and responsibility!"
Section: 1, Chapter: 3
Treat Success As Your Duty, Obligation And Responsibility
Don't treat success as optional. It's mandatory for supporting yourself, your family and your future.
- Commit to success as an ethical obligation. You owe it to yourself and others to maximize your potential.
- Limiting success means limiting your ability to help yourself and others. That's unethical.
- When you make success a must, you'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. Failure is no longer an option.
Section: 1, Chapter: 4
Success Is Your Duty, Obligation And Responsibility
"To achieve your goals, you have to get to a place where every challenge becomes fuel for you... You must base your decisions on what will be the greatest investment to move you toward your ethical commitment to create success for yourself, your family, and your business. Success is not a choice or an option; it's your duty to operate at the right level of thoughts and actions."
Section: 1, Chapter: 4
Assume 100% Control And Responsibility For Everything In Your Life
Adopt the mindset that everything happening to you and around you is caused by you. Even if you aren't directly responsible:
- Claim control anyway. Look for ways to improve the situation going forward.
- Ask yourself how you can prevent bad things from happening again in the future.
- Refuse to blame others, make excuses or see yourself as a victim. You are in charge. When you take full responsibility, you empower yourself to find solutions and change your circumstances. You are never helpless.
Section: 1, Chapter: 6
Four Degrees Of Action - Massive Action Is The Key To 10X Success
There are four degrees of action:
- Do nothing,
- Retreat,
- Take normal levels of action,
- Take massive action.
The first three lead to average results at best and failure at worst. Only the fourth degree, massive action, leads to 10X success. Massive action means consistent, persistent, extraordinary effort until you hit your goals. It may feel uncomfortable, but it's necessary for extraordinary success.
Section: 1, Chapter: 7
Why "Average" Goals And Actions Are Dangerous
Average is dangerous because it's considered acceptable by society. But it will fail you.
Aiming for average means settling for less than your full potential. It puts you at the mercy of circumstances.
You must set goals far above average and refuse to accept anything less from yourself. Look at "average" people and resolve never to be like them. Commit to excellence instead.
Section: 1, Chapter: 8
Set 10X Goals - Aim High And Don't Worry About Being Realistic
"The goal has to be more valuable than the riskโor you have determined the wrong target... Don't reduce your goals as you write them. Ask yourself, 'What actions can I take today to move me toward these goals?' Then take whatever actions you come up withโregardless of what they are or how you feel. Limiting the amount of success you desire is a violation of the 10X Rule in and of itself."
Section: 1, Chapter: 9
Focus On Dominating Your Sector, Not Competing
To rise above your competitors and achieve market dominance:
- Provide value your competitors cannot, due to their size, inflexibility, or preoccupation with other priorities.
- Exploit your competitors' contractions and cutbacks to expand your own presence and footprint.
- Be willing to take unconventional approaches and break industry norms to stand out.
- Don't just compete, redefine the industry. Make your competitors play catch-up to you.
Section: 1, Chapter: 10
Obsession Isn't A Disorder - It's A Prerequisite For Extraordinary Achievement
Obsession means being completely consumed by your goals and doing everything in your power to achieve them. This single-minded drive is common to all highly successful people. It means being:
- Relentless and unstoppable in the pursuit of your dreams
- Willing to do things others consider unnecessary or even crazy
- Completely focused and fixated on your purpose and mission
- Determined to succeed even when you feel tired, discouraged or doubtful Embrace obsession - it's the rocket fuel that propels you to 10X heights.
Section: 1, Chapter: 12
Don't Be Afraid To Overcommit And Go "All In"
When Grant Cardone launched his first sales training company, he committed to massive cold calling and in-person meetings. He didn't know how it would work, but he went "all in" anyway:
- Made 40-50 cold calls per day and mailed info packets to hundreds of prospects
- Flew to meet clients in person whenever possible, even without confirmed meetings
- Rented conference rooms to host seminars even before having attendees lined up
- Continued taking huge actions despite fears and doubts until the business took off Had he not overcommitted, he would have failed. 10X success requires being "all in."
Section: 1, Chapter: 13
Always Expand, Never Contract
In tough times, most retreat and contract. That's the worst thing you can do. The most successful use economic contractions to expand and grab market share while others pull back.
Refuse to participate in recessions. Look for ways to do more, not less, when times are difficult. Resilience and growth during challenging periods cements your reputation as a dominant force.
Section: 1, Chapter: 14
Keep "Feeding The Fire" - Never Rest On Your Laurels
Once you start seeing success, don't slow down. Keep pouring fuel on the fire. Many make the mistake of relaxing once they hit their initial goals. That's dangerous. Keep setting new, bigger goals and taking even bigger actions to reach them. Success isn't a one-time event, it's a never-ending journey. The moment you stop pushing forward, you start sliding backward.
Section: 1, Chapter: 15
Fear Is An Indicator That You're On The Right Track
"Fear isn't bad or something to avoid; conversely, it's something you want to seek and embrace. Fear is actually a sign that you are doing what's needed to move in the right direction...The only way to handle fear is to 'face it like a man'...The fear never goes away, but your courage becomes so great that the fear no longer matters."
Section: 1, Chapter: 16
Time Management Is A Myth - Prioritize And Take Massive Action Instead
People talk about "time management" and "work-life balance" but these concepts are flawed. You can't "manage" time, you can only decide how to use the time you have. And there's no such thing as perfect "balance." Instead:
- Get crystal clear on your top priorities and commit to them fully.
- Schedule your days around actions that support those priorities.
- Take massive action on those few priorities. Forget about trying to do everything.
- Be fully present and engaged in whatever you're doing, whether work or family time.
- Accept that you'll feel uncomfortable. Push through and keep going anyway.
Section: 1, Chapter: 17
Criticism Is A Sign You're Doing Something Right
If you're taking massive action, you'll attract criticism and doubters. It's inevitable.
- The more successful you become, the more people will try to tear you down. Don't let them.
- Realize that the people criticizing you aren't taking the massive actions you are. That's why they criticize.
- Instead of letting the haters stop you, let their jealousy fuel you. Keep proving them wrong.
- Eventually, many of your critics will become your biggest admirers. Just keep winning.
Section: 1, Chapter: 18
Focus On Acquiring Customers, Not Just Pleasing Them
Many companies become so obsessed with "customer satisfaction" that they forget to focus on customer acquisition. They worry so much about not upsetting a tiny fraction of customers that they fail to aggressively market and sell to new prospects. This is shortsighted. You can't satisfy customers you don't have. For example:
- Apple isn't afraid to obsolete its own products in order to offer newer, better ones.
- Amazon expanded beyond books into countless other markets despite critics saying they were spreading themselves too thin.
- Starbucks continues opening new locations despite having a shop on every corner in some cities. Don't be so concerned with a few complaints that you miss opportunities to massively grow your customer base.
Section: 1, Chapter: 19
Aim For Omnipresence - Dominate Your Market
The most successful companies and individuals seem to be everywhere at once. This is called omnipresence. They dominate their market by being top of mind across multiple channels and mediums. Wherever prospects look, they see you. You can achieve this by:
- Advertising across multiple channels both online and offline
- Constantly generating PR and media coverage
- Partnering with well-known brands and thought leaders
- Having an active, valuable social media presence
- Speaking at events and hosting your own events
- Writing books, articles, blog posts, white papers etc. The goal is to become synonymous with your industry so you're always the first choice.
Section: 1, Chapter: 20
Success Leaves Clues - Model The Habits of Successful People
Rather than reinventing the wheel, study what highly successful people do and model their habits and behaviors. While everyone is unique, there are common mindsets and actions top achievers share:
- They have a can-do, positive attitude and believe they will find a way to succeed.
- They love challenges and see problems as opportunities to differentiate themselves.
- They take full responsibility for their lives and refuse to blame others or make excuses.
- They are obsessed with learning and growth. They read voraciously.
- They are willing to fail and be uncomfortable in the short term to win in the long term.
- They think big, set huge goals, and take massive actions to achieve them. Success leaves clues. Find them and use them.
Section: 1, Chapter: 22
32 Traits And Habits of Successful People (Part 1)
- Have a "Can Do" Attitude: Approach every situation with the belief that it can be done.
- Believe That "I Will Figure It Out": Have faith in your ability to find a solution to any problem.
- Focus on Opportunity: See problems and challenges as opportunities to learn, grow and succeed.
- Love Challenges: Embrace and get excited by challenges rather than avoiding them.
- Seek to Solve Problems: Actively look for problems to solve. Don't just wait for them to appear.
- Persist until Successful: Keep going until you succeed, no matter how long it takes.
- Take Risks: Be willing to step outside your comfort zone and take calculated risks.
- Be Unreasonable: Don't limit yourself to what seems "reasonable." Think big.
- Be Dangerous: Be willing to do things others may consider crazy or extreme in pursuit of your goals.
- Create Wealth: Focus on creating wealth, not just earning an income.
Section: 1, Chapter: 22
32 Traits And Habits of Successful People (Part 2)
- Readily Take Action: Take action quickly and decisively when opportunities present themselves.
- Always Say "Yes": Look for reasons to say yes to opportunities rather than reasons to say no.
- Habitually Commit: Make a habit of committing fully to decisions rather than leaving yourself a way out.
- Go All the Way: Once you commit to something, see it through to the end.
- Focus on "Now": Operate with a sense of urgency. Don't put things off to the future.
- Demonstrate Courage: Face your fears and be willing to take action in spite of them.
- Embrace Change: View change as a positive opportunity for growth rather than something to fear.
- Determine and Take the Right Approach: Figure out the best approach and then take it without hesitation.
- Break Traditional Ideas: Look for ways to innovate and disrupt rather than following convention.
- Be Goal-Oriented: Stay focused on your goals and continually work towards them.
Section: 1, Chapter: 22
32 Traits And Habits of Successful People (Part 3)
- Be on a Mission: Approach your work with a sense of passion, purpose and mission.
- Have a High Level of Motivation: Maintain a high level of motivation and don't require others to motivate you.
- Be Interested in Results: Focus on results, not just activity. Measure your success by your achievements.
- Have Big Goals and Dreams: Don't be afraid to set huge, ambitious goals.
- Create Your Own Reality: Don't let others define what is possible for you. Create your own vision.
- Commit FirstโFigure Out Later: Don't wait until you have all the answers. Commit and figure it out as you go.
- Be Highly Ethical: Operate with the utmost integrity and ethics. Do the right thing.
- Be Interested in the Group: Support others and contribute to the team's greater good.
- Be Dedicated to Continuous Learning: Commit to never-ending improvement and learning.
- Be Uncomfortable: Get comfortable being uncomfortable. Seek out new, challenging experiences.
- "Reach Up" in Relationships: Surround yourself with people who are more successful than you. Learn from them.
- Be Disciplined: Develop self-discipline and control over your thoughts, emotions and actions.
Section: 1, Chapter: 22
Getting Started With 10X
The concepts in this book are simple but not necessarily easy to implement. Here are some tips to get started:
- Write down your 10X goals and review them daily. Make sure they excite you.
- Block off time each day to take 10X actions towards your goals. Be consistent.
- Get the key people in your life on board with your goals. Their support is critical.
- Surround yourself with other people who think and act at 10X levels.
- Invest heavily in your own learning and development.
- Be willing to be uncomfortable in the short term. All growth happens outside your comfort zone.
- Stay positive but avoid getting complacent or lazy. Always push yourself to keep growing.
Section: 1, Chapter: 23
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