Snippets about: China
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"Sinification" Made China Linguistically And Culturally Homogenous
China was once very diverse in language and culture. The current homogeneity is a result of the gradual spread of agricultural people speaking Sino-Tibetan languages and their absorption of other populations.
- This process, called "Sinification," began in the Yellow River valley of north China
- It took thousands of years for agricultural Sino-Tibetan speakers to absorb or displace hunter-gatherer populations
- Mandarin and related languages spread at the expense of other language families China's cultural homogeneity is thus the result of a long, complex process of agricultural expansion and linguistic replacement.
Section: , Chapter: 16
Book: Guns, Germs, and Steel
Author: Jared Diamond
Geographic Connectedness Allowed Chinese Homogenization
China was more geographically interconnected than Europe, allowing the spread of a single culture:
- Few internal geographic barriers like high mountains or deserts in China
- Major navigable rivers flow east-west, facilitating north-south diffusion
- Result was the spread of technologies and political systems over a wide area
- The lesson is that geographic features that facilitate the mixing of ideas and people promote cultural homogenization, while barriers promote diversification.
Section: 4, Chapter: 16
Book: Guns, Germs, and Steel
Author: Jared Diamond