Snippets about: Truth
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Fake News In The Post-Truth Era
The idea that we live in a "post-truth" era, where facts matter less than emotions and personal beliefs, has become a major concern. With the rise of social media and AI-driven content curation, it's easier than ever to spread disinformation and propaganda. Partisans on all sides are increasingly tempted to embrace falsehoods that support their side, rejecting inconvenient truths.
To be responsible citizens and voters, we must make a good faith effort to pursue truth. Key principles:
- Consciously choose reliable and fact-based media sources, not just ones that confirm your biases
- Support quality investigative journalism with paid subscriptions or donations
- Practice intellectual humility and be willing to change your mind in light of strong evidence
Section: 4, Chapter: 17
Book: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century
Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Technology Can Expand Factuality - Or Contract It
New technologies can be used to either enable the pursuit of facts - or obscure them in the pursuit of power. Some key positive and negative examples:
- The printing press enabling the scientific revolution and a democratization of knowledge
- Telecommunications allowing journalists to rapidly share news
- The internet putting the world's knowledge at our fingertips
- Fake images and "deepfakes" portraying events that never happened
- AI algorithms promoting conspiracy theories to maximize "engagement"
To make technology a net positive for factuality, we must consciously shape it through individual choices, professional ethics and democratic oversight. Factuality has to be a human value we encode.
Section: 1, Chapter: 4
Book: On Freedom
Author: Timothy Snyder
Hannah Arendt on Truth, Tyranny and the Importance of an Informed Citizenry
"In 1971, contemplating the lies told in the United States about the Vietnam War, the political theorist Hannah Arendt took comfort in the inherent power of facts to overcome falsehoods in a free society: 'Under normal circumstances the liar is defeated by reality, for which there is no substitute; no matter how large the tissue of falsehood that an experienced liar has to offer, it will never be large enough, even if he enlists the help of computers, to cover the immensity of factuality.' The part about computers is no longer true. In the 2016 presidential election, the two-dimensional world of the internet was more important than the three-dimensional world of human contact."
Section: 1, Chapter: 11
Book: On Tyranny
Author: Timothy Snyder
Investigate and Seek the Truth - Don't Succumb to Propaganda
Lesson 11: Investigate: Critically examine information and the world around you; don't just believe what you're told.
In an age of misinformation and propaganda, it's crucial to actively investigate and verify the information you consume. Don't passively accept what you're told, especially from those in power. Seek out reliable sources, fact-check claims, and think critically about the media you encounter. Support real investigative journalism by subscribing to reputable publications. Be aware that some of what you see online is specifically designed to deceive you. Taking responsibility for discerning truth is hard work, but it's vital for maintaining a free society. As Snyder warns,
"Figure things out for yourself. Spend more time with long articles. Subsidize investigative journalism by subscribing to print media. Realize that some of what is on the internet is there to harm you."
Section: 1, Chapter: 11
Book: On Tyranny
Author: Timothy Snyder
Adversarial Collaboration - Teaming Up With Rivals To Find Truth
A great example of standing up a truthseeking group comes from Daniel Kahneman's adversarial collaboration with Gary Klein. Kahneman, a cognitive psychologist, studied flaws in human reasoning. Klein studied how experts made great snap judgments. Their views represented a major schism in the field.
But rather than just attacking each other's work, they decided to collaborate to get to the truth. They examined case studies together and ultimately arrived at a joint perspective - that expert intuition is powerful but only in areas with stable cues and lots of practice. Neither "won" the debate, but they both gained key insights by collaborating.
Section: 1, Chapter: 5
Book: Thinking in Bets
Author: Annie Duke
Post-Truth Is Pre-Fascism - Fight Lies with Facts
Lesson 10: Believe in truth: Seek out and verify facts; don't passively accept falsehoods and misinformation.
We now face a dangerous "post-truth" moment reminiscent of the rise of fascism. As Snyder writes, "To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so." Fascists relied on "magical thinking" to paint a false reality and destabilize truth itself. They show how truth dies through:
- Open hostility to verifiable reality
- Endless repetition of lies
- Open embrace of contradiction
- Misplaced faith in a leader as the sole source of truth
When we enter this territory, as Snyder sees happening today, we must urgently defend facts and seek to verify information. Truth is our first and most essential bulwark against tyrannical power.
Section: 1, Chapter: 10
Book: On Tyranny
Author: Timothy Snyder